Sunday, January 2, 2011

Lots of Babysitting...

Steve and I have had a few opportunities as of late to watch our cute nieces - Zoey & Layney. They seriously bring me so much happiness. I LOVE watching them and seeing their excitement for life. Zoey is such a sweet, caring, big sister. She is always trying to get Layney to laugh and smile. She is so willing to help with anything that is asked of her. She has a sweet, kind, spirit - she loves people and cares about them...she doesn't like to see anyone sad or hurting. Layney is just a joy to her entire family! We have been waiting for what seems like forever for her to be a part of our family...and have loved every day since she has arrived. She is such a good baby and is smiling all of the time. I am so grateful to Jenn & Ben for letting Steve and I be such a big part of their lives. We love them and look forward to the day when they can have some little Miller cousins!

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