Thursday, June 14, 2012

Jake - Our Sweetheart

Every night before bed I get to look at this sweet boy. He is the light of our lives. I can't imagine this life without him. He has brought out the best in both Steve and me. He seems to make us both want to be better. I feel blessed every day to have this special boy in our lives. I can't thank Heavenly Father enough for allowing me to be his mom for this life and eternity. I may have not given birth to him, but I know he was ours before and he will be ours forever. The blessing of Eternal Families is real! Adoption is an amazing gift! I wish that every woman/girl that ends up with an unwanted pregnancy in this world could understand the amazing blessings that come to those yearning for children that cannot bear their own - and that they would make choices to give them up rather than terminate. I often wondered how a loving Heavenly Father could let those that seemed to not be able to care for a child continue to get pregnant, and those that yearned for the chance to be mothers, not have the ability to do-so...I now know. When used for good, the blessing of adoption can be the most amazing experience in the world! I love our boy and I love his birthmom. I love that she chose to give Jake the life that she knew she could not provide him. I love that she chose to give him to a family with a mom and a dad that would love him forever and provide for every need the best they could. I love her!

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