Sunday, January 10, 2010

Our 2nd Christmas Together...

Steve and I had a wonderful Christmas. I've always enjoyed being with my family at Christmas is fun adding in the mix of Steve's family too - they are wonderful and I'm so blessed to have such wonderful family! We spent the early morning together. We headed over to Ben, Jenn & Zoey's house to see what Zoey got for Christmas and give her some of our gifts. Then we drove to Sandy and spent time with Steve's family - had a wonderful brunch that Cheri prepared and exchanged a few gifts. We ended the afternoon at my Grandma & Grandpa Lewis' home in Bountiful. Macey was with us the whole day and was so warn out by the time we got home. She was excited with all of the different people all day long wanting to play with her and hold her. Can't wait for another one....before we know it, it will be here again!


Well, low and behold...Utah has In-N-Out!! We were able to eat at the American Fork In-N-Out for free the night before opening day. With Steve being a city employee, he was invited to attend. I made the drive down after work and enjoyed that wonderful cheeseburger. I've vowed not to eat there too often as I'm sure it is not healthy at all...but for a good, pretty cheap burger, it is the place to go! The Wilbur's joined was fun to see them since it had been quite awhile.