Sunday, October 23, 2011

Trip to Corona and Disneyland!

We took off the end of September and trecked further west to visit Steve's sister and family in Corona, California. Jake was a gem on the drive. We spent a couple days in Corona just hanging out and letting Jake's cousins get to know him. We then spent a few days at Disneyland and California Adventures. The Loder's came with us one day and then we spent the other 2 days with a good friend and old mission companion of mine. It was pretty much perfect weather while we were there (a little too hot the 3rd day) but all in all a great trip!

Jake's Cousin Stephanie

Jake's Cousin Melissa

Jake's Cousin Ashley

Jake's Uncle Dave

Jake's Aunt Lora

I thought this was so cute with all of them staring at Jake

Jake's Cousin Kaitlyn

Jake's Cousin Kelsie

Soon to be Aunt "Nurse" Lora - checking Jake's bowel sounds :)

Cute Kaitlyn - such a ham!

One of Steve's favorite parts of Disneyland...shooting!

Classic pic by the Castle

Loved Halloween Time at Disneyland!

Steve with his "people"...

A little small Honey, LOL

Jake got his cute Mickey Ears and his "1st Visit to Disneyland" pin

Going on Winnie the Pooh with Dave & Lora

LOVE the "Tower of Terror"...probably my favorite ride. Scares me everytime!

Ferris Wheel - Steve almost peed his pants, LOL

My cute friend Alissa - so fun to spend a couple days with her (at Disneyland of all places!)

BBQ and Fishing

We were invited to a BBQ at Shanna & Jay's home. We had fun! We enjoyed hamburgers and chicken. Afterward we walked to a local park and watched Jay's son fly his remote-control airplane (until the crash landing). Then we drove to the lake at Daybreak and did a little fishing and duck-feeding. It was a gorgeous afternoon!

Jake's 2-month Stats:

Jake saw Dr. Dreamy on September 21st. He is growing and continues to be healthy and well! Mom and Dad are loving every minute of it!

Weight: 11 lbs 12 oz (51%)
Height: 23 inches (52%)
Head Circ: 16.1 inches (74%)

Random Pics - September 2011