Sunday, March 20, 2011

Macey Turns 2

Macey turned 2 on February 6th. She is the sweetest dog and we love having her be a part of our family. She brings Steve and me a lot of happiness!

A Very Special Day...

Our family witnessed a very special event on Saturday, February 5th. It was the day that my beautiful niece Layney was sealed in the temple to her mom & dad. The blessings of the temple are very important to me and are a big part of our religious beliefs. It was truly an unforgettable experience to be able to be a part of this special day with the Spencer Family. Layney was a perfect angel and Zoey was a very proud big sister. We are so lucky to have Layney as a part of our family!

Miss Zoey Turns 6

My beautiful niece Zoey turned 6 years old on February 4th! She is the sweetest girl and has the biggest heart. I'm lucky to be a part of her life. Unfortunately, I was so sick the night of her birthday party and was unable to go to her favorite restaurant (Olive Garden) to celebrate with the family. Steve went to represent and brought a yummy dessert - she was looking forward to these special sugar cookies since he brought them for her last year. She is a beautiful girl and my whole family is better for having her in our life...