Jake had his 6-month check-up with Dr. Dreamy today. He has been a little more fussy today than normal - must have been the 4 shots he had to have. Trying my best to keep him healthy with all these vaccines they recommend...but man, the poor kiddos! Jake continues to grow and remains healthy & strong. We LOVE him! Today he weighs in at 18 lbs 2 oz (60th percentile), measures 27 inches in length (69th percentile), and has a head circumference of 18.5 inches (99th percentile)! Yes, he has a bit of a large head right now. No worries though, Dr. Dreamy says when kids are between 4 and 9 months their heads are the most disproportionate to their size. Around 10 months they begin to grow into their heads! At 6 months old, Jake is doing the following:
- Smiling (a ton!)
- Laughing - he does this excited breathing thing when he laughs, we love it!
- Drinking a 6 oz bottle every 3-4 hours
- Sleeping most of the time from 9pm-5am
- Coos - especially dadadada
- LOVES the Dogs...especially Lola
- Plays in his Winnie the Pooh exersaucer/bouncer
- Loves when Mommy sings to him - usually what it takes to get him to fall asleep
- Just started 2 days ago on rice cereal - he seems to like it!
- Sits up with a little support
- Rolling tummy to back, but still haven't seen him roll from back to tummy - we think it is because he just doesn't like to be on his tummy, so why would he roll onto it!
- Favorite toys - blue elephant, crunchy sounding book, green gall (given to him by Gramma Lewis for Christmas), Learning Puppy
- Splashing in the tub is probably his most favorite thing