Sunday, October 21, 2012

Jake is 15-months old...and FINALLY Walking!

Jake turned 15 months old on Saturday, October 20th.  The day before his 15-month mark he finally took his first steps by himself (October 19th)!  I was so lucky to have taken the day off work to be home with him when he did it.  I was all giddy inside when he took those steps.  I immediately called Steve who was also ecstatic.  We were playing catch on the floor.  I threw a ball that went over him, he turned around, got up and walked to 5 steps!  I couldn't believe it!  He just did it like he wasn't even thinking about it.  I knew he could do it for the past few months, he was just stubborn and didn't want to give in to me :)  Here is a short video clip to remember the day.  He is such a sweetheart and keeps getting cuter every day!