Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sick Baby Jakey

Even when he has a temp of 103, he tries to find a smile :( In early March, Jake got sick for the first least sick enough that it bothered the Mama a lot! We actually ended up taking him to Primary ER in the middle of the night because his temp got so high it scared me. It took almost a week and a follow-up visit to his pediatrician to get him better. It was a long, sleepless week. So sad having sick babies - definitely the worst part about being a parent. He ended up with a double ear infection and RSV. Luckily, he never needed to be in the hospital. The antibiotics for his ears seemed to instantly work and he improved quickly after that. We mostly wore jammies that week - here are a few pics of Jake. Love how he is trying to look over Lola at the TV, LOL!

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