What a wonderful time of year! I LOVE Christmas time. Of course, it is nice to have extra time off work to spend with my cute family, unexpected gifts are a nice touch, yummy food and sweet treats are a bonus...but the BEST thing about this time of year is the opportunity to reflect on Him who gave us everything. At this time of year, I am especially grateful for a Loving Savior who gave His life for me. This year in particular, I am SO thankful for my sweet family. Steve is a wonderful husband that would do anything for me. He works very hard to provide the things we are able to enjoy in our life. He helps around the house with projects and chores. He is always so complimentary to me and makes me feel like the most important woman in the world. He is constantly making me laugh with his fun-loving, witty, and charming personality. What a miraculous blessing to be able to bring Jake into our family this year. He is the cutest little person in the world! I can't imagine our lives without him in it! He is such a good, sweet baby. He is growing so fast and I can't seem to make time slow down. Currently, we are loving his sweet smiles and contagious laugh. He can bring a smile to anyone's face just by looking at his. We will be forever grateful to his birthmom who chose to allow us the opportunity to raise him and make him ours forever. We look forward to many more exciting adventures this year with him. And of course, I can't leave out our cute girls. Macey & Lola are a joy to have around. Both are so sweet and loving, in their own way.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Jake's 1st word...you be the Judge?!
Jake has really taken a liking to Lola...they are best little buds. Well, today I was taking a quick video because Jake was laughing so much and in the middle of this clip, it really sounds like he might have said "Lola". That is one of our dog's names. Not 100% sure, but it sure sounds like it! We love our little Jakey!
**pay attention at approx 37 seconds into the video*
Jake is 5 months old!
I can hardly believe it but my little boy is 5 months old today. He is such a blessing in our lives and I couldn't imagine life without him. We sure love you Jake!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Jake's 1st visit to see Santa
Jake got to see Santa this weekend. Jenny's friend was having a party and Santa was the guest of honor. We met up with Jenny and Zoey (poor Layney was sick). Zoey helped ask Santa for a choo-choo for Jake...she said that is what he wants (of course, he must have told her)! And yes, Santa might look familiar to some of you (an old high school friend was helping Santa)...
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Christmas Card Pictures
MeRrY cHrIsTmAs EvErYoNe!!!
We have a DATE!!!
We are ecstatic! The date has been set for our Adoption Finalization! We will go to court on Friday, January 27th, 2012 for finalization. I seriously can't wait for it to be complete! Of course, we know that Jake is ours in all ways possible, but it will be so wonderful for the court and State to recognize it as such! Once court finalization takes place, we will have the wonderful opportunity to take Jake to the temple to become a part of our family for Eternity!! I love Jake & Steve SO much and can't believe my Heavenly Father has let me be a part of their lives now and forever! I am a lucky woman!
Thanksgiving 2011
Our Thanksgiving was pretty low-key this year. We spent the day with family and loved every minute of it! We started the day at my Grandparents home in Bountiful for a yummy Turkey-day lunch. It was fantastic to be with my family. We missed the Spencer's this year, so Jake was a lonely kiddo this year...but we still had fun! That afternoon we headed over to Steve's sister's home in Sandy. We enjoyed Cheri's delicious pies. Michael (Steve's nephew) was in town from Denver. Henry (Steve's brother) was also in town from Portland. This was both mine and Jake's first time meeting Henry. It was great and we look forward to visiting them someday (I have never been to the NorthWest area). Funny story...at least to me... Steve is talking to his niece who proceeds to tell us that Steve's brother was in town for Thanksgiving and that we should come over that night for pie and to see them. She tells Steve that Henry really wanted to see the baby. I say to Steve, he has never met me, doesn't he want to meet me too? Steve says, "Well, wives come and go in this family!" Haha...I thought it was pretty funny...although, this wife isn't going anywhere :) Since Jenny wasn't around this Thanksgiving, I failed to take any pictures. Thanks to Emily for snapping one that night...here is Jake on Thanksgiving!
Tummy to Back
On November 27th, Jake rolled from his tummy to his back for the first time. I was down on the floor playing with Jake and put him on his tummy. The doctor has encouraged more "tummy time" so his neck muscles will continue to get stronger. Steve was on the chair behind me and I had turned to talk to him...when Steve says, Jake just rolled onto his back! I was so sad that I missed it! So, I put him back on his tummy and watched until he did it again... 5 minutes later, he did it again! He is getting so big and starting to hit those milestones. Love my boy!
Jake - 4 month Stats
I'm so behind on blogging! How does the time go by so fast?! Jake had his 4-month check-up with Dr. Dreamy on November 23rd. He is a big, healthy, growing boy!
- Weight - 15 lbs 7 oz (60th percentile)
- Height - 26.5 inches (93rd percentile)
- Head Circ - 17.5 inches (95th percentile)
Watching him get 3 shots isn't the most fun part of the visit, but Jake is a tough little trooper! We couldn't be happier and continue to love every moment of being this little boy's parents. It is the most amazing gift and experience we could ask for. Love him!