Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone!

What a wonderful time of year! I LOVE Christmas time. Of course, it is nice to have extra time off work to spend with my cute family, unexpected gifts are a nice touch, yummy food and sweet treats are a bonus...but the BEST thing about this time of year is the opportunity to reflect on Him who gave us everything. At this time of year, I am especially grateful for a Loving Savior who gave His life for me. This year in particular, I am SO thankful for my sweet family. Steve is a wonderful husband that would do anything for me. He works very hard to provide the things we are able to enjoy in our life. He helps around the house with projects and chores. He is always so complimentary to me and makes me feel like the most important woman in the world. He is constantly making me laugh with his fun-loving, witty, and charming personality. What a miraculous blessing to be able to bring Jake into our family this year. He is the cutest little person in the world! I can't imagine our lives without him in it! He is such a good, sweet baby. He is growing so fast and I can't seem to make time slow down. Currently, we are loving his sweet smiles and contagious laugh. He can bring a smile to anyone's face just by looking at his. We will be forever grateful to his birthmom who chose to allow us the opportunity to raise him and make him ours forever. We look forward to many more exciting adventures this year with him. And of course, I can't leave out our cute girls. Macey & Lola are a joy to have around. Both are so sweet and loving, in their own way.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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