Saturday, November 24, 2012

I Thought Back Pain Was the Worst...

Almost 4 weeks ago now, I made a small, incidental move to wipe up a small mess - after all, I have a one year old, and I clean up after him a lot!  Well, Sunday morning, Oct 28th - I felt like my back broke.  With the slightest bend, it just went and I wasn't able to move.  I could barely walk to my bed, couldn't lift Jake and wasn't worth much of anything for about 1 week.  I had 2 visits to local ERs to try and minimize the pain but it only helped for a few hours.  I finally got in to a wonderful spine Doc who gave me a spinal nerve block injection - wasn't too bad, but only helped for 1 day.  The back pain was gone...but the last 3 weeks have brought left leg nerve pain that was worse than the back pain.  I repeated the spine injection this past week and this time it only lasted 3 days.  I'm back to feeling the leg pain the majority of my day.  Laying down is the worst position - but taking the pain meds makes it so that I only want to be in that position.  I start physical therapy next week to see if that will help.  Unfortunately, if it doesn't, it may be either living with the pain or considering surgery.  I DON"T want surgery!  I've had 2 in my life and I hate every second of it!  I'm a big wimp - I hate the anesthesia aftermath, and I hate recovering.  But this time it would even be worse because we have Jake now.  He doesn't understand that it is hard for mom to bend, walk, play and lift him up.  Hopefully, with enough patience and time I'll be able to start feeling myself again real soon!

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