Monday, October 27, 2008

I've been tagged!

8 Things I Did Today:
1. Woke up - sometimes that is the hardest part of the day
2. Worked
3. Went to lunch with my mama
4. Dropped off the rest of my Thank you cards at the post office
5. Cooked dinner - frozen pizza baby...I know, such a slacker
6. Watched last night's episode of Desperate Housewives
7. Hung out with Steve
8. Caught up on reading blogs

8 Shows I Love:
2. The Office
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Desperate Housewives
5. Survivor
6. Biggest Loser
7. Amazing Race
8. American Idol

8 Restaurants I Love:
1. steak ever!
2. Texas Roadhouse
3. Chilis
4. Applebees
5. PF Chang or PeiWei...basically the same
6. Tepanyaki
7. Rumbi Grill
8. Olive Garden
The list could go on...I really love to eat out, and I know it isn't healthy...

8 Things I Am Looking Forward To:
1. Babies (Steve is looking forward to puppies)
2. Our next cruise
3. Working with Candace tomorrow (she's who tagged me)
4. Night out with friends on Saturday
5. Carrie Underwood Concert - November 19th baby!!
6. My Birthday - holy cow I'm gonna be 31
7. Thanksgiving - such a good holiday
8. Seeing Zoey in her cute Elephant costume

8 Things I Am Wishing For:
1. A lifetime of happiness with Steve
2. Kiddos
3. Health
4. Money - jackpot, lotto, sweepstakes...anyway would be fine!
5. Stability in life - trying not to worry too much about the economy but it is hard
6. An organized's getting there - it's tough moving and combining 2 people's stuff!
7. Happiness for all of my family and friends
8. Ice Cream...I think I might go have a taste before I go to bed, I know...that is bad - not suppose to eat after 8, oh well...

8 People I Tag:
1. Jenny
2. Jenn T.
3. Kami
4. Jenny W.
5. Crystal
6. Pam
7. Michelle
8. Shauna
And anyone else who wants to do this fun was fun to think of some of these things - I need to be grateful for things more often!


Anonymous said...

I think you two should totally get a puppy

Shylo said...

I have been married almost 11 years and I am still trying to get the house organized...I think it is getting worse, not better. :) Of course I have moved several times so then I always have to start over with the organizing.