Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pimped Out Ride in the Dubya-VC

Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE living in West Valley City?! No, actually I really do love it... but I was driving home tonight and couldn't help but laugh...check out this PiMpeD out RiDe. Never thought I'd see rims like this on a mini-van.

Yep...they're totally spinners with flames. Oh, and it's a new license plate yet. I felt bad taking pictures and hoped they didn't notice but I just had to BLOG about it. Maybe I'm weird, but I found this so hilarious.

The Dubya-VC is in da' house! Woowoo!!

1 comment:

pam said...

Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!! LOVE it!! That is a great pic! There have been a couple times that I've wished I had my camera with me to take pics while driving in WVC. (A couple times in downtown SLC too.) We love living here too. We totally have the West-Side-Pride, baby!!!!