Sunday, December 23, 2012

Croup - No Fun for Jakey or Mommy

This past week Jake came down with a horrible cold that quickly developed into sad, scary breathing.  We decided to take him to Primary Children's on the 19th to see if they could offer any relief.  They gave him a steroid and cool mist breathing treatment.  Jake was not having the breathing treatment and kept pulling at the mask....his oxygen (and pulse) were not doing well because of how upset he was and so the nurse said "let's just go outside - it's basically the same thing".  True enough - that calmed him down and helped his breathing.  They monitored him for a few hours and then we were free to go.  He started to improve the next day, but then the following day woke up with a fever and ornery as ever.  I decided to take him into his pediatrician (may have been an early Christmas present for Mommy, shhh)... kidding... but I was glad I took him in again, because now he had a left ear infection.  He has been on antibiotics for 3 days now and is doing much better.  Being a mom can be hard.  It is definitely rewarding and not something I would change for anything...but it about kills me when I see him suffering.  Let's just say, I may have been just as ornery as him last week ;)

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